How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Basically, there are two ways to make a lab grown diamond. In the HPHT process, pure carbon and a tiny piece of diamond (the “starter seed”) are placed in a high pressure, high temperature chamber. The carbon is heated and melts around the starter seed and a diamond is created.

In the CVD process, a narrow slice of diamond seed is placed in a sealed chamber. The chamber is filled with hydrocarbon gas mixtures and the seed is ionized with lasers, microwaves and other tools. This causes the molecular bonds in the gases to break down so the pure carbon sticks to the diamond seed.

Both techniques replicate the exact process that happens deep in the earth with natural diamonds. Once the lab-grown diamonds are fully formed, they’re expertly cut and crafted to unleash their maximum fire and scintillation.

Why Would I Choose A Lab Grown Diamond?

Chemically, physically and visually, lab grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds and offer the same remarkable fire, brilliance and scintillation. They also offer incredible value, giving you all the sparkle while allowing you some agency with your budget. Some of the biggest advantages of a lab created diamond include: 

  • They’re environmentally friendly
  • They offer greater affordability
  • They have fully trackable origin sources

What Is A Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds with an environmentally conscious and completely ethical backstory. Using advanced technology in a highly controlled environment, scientists mimic the same process the earth uses over billions of years to create natural diamonds. From their chemical composition to their intense sparkle and scintillation, lab grown diamonds are 100% real diamonds, just with a different origin story.

What is a Natural Diamond?

Natural diamonds were created billions of years ago, deep within the earth. In a high pressure, high temperature environment, carbon atoms bond together to form diamond crystals. Volcanic eruptions eventually pushed them upwards toward the surface of the earth, where a finite amount of them exist about 100 miles beneath the earth’s surface. 
Once unearthed, they are carefully crafted and polished by master artisans into the stunning specimen that have captured the imagination for centuries.

Are Promise By Effy's Natural Diamonds Ethically Sourced?

All our natural diamonds are responsibly sourced, expertly crafted and prized for their remarkable beauty and brilliance. We are committed to sourcing natural and precious materials in an ethical and sustainable manner, with a zero-tolerance policy toward conflict diamonds. We source our diamonds only from known mines and countries that are participants in the Kimberley Process.

Can You Tell Me About Natural Diamond Certification?

Held to the highest industry standards, every Promise by Effy diamond is obsessively handcrafted and certified by the diamond 4Cs: cut, colour, clarity and carat, ensuring exceptional quality. Every natural diamond from Promise by Effy is 100% unique and as individual as the wearer.